The goal of The People Project is to help people achieve their potential. As you know, that's easier said than done.
Healthcare is one industry with the size and scope that can provide multiple paths to a successful career. These paths just need to be coordinated and explained better so people can VISUALIZE them.
Process based decision making is the key to engagement and unity of effort, including the unification of the Healthcare Industry. Without a process, egos will win the day. You can read the article I wrote for an Army journal below.
Common Core Skill Sets developed by like minded companies will raise the game of the whole Healthcare industry. This is how the industry can compete against the "college path".
When people first see Compounding Interest at work, they don't quite understand what just happened. Then they change from wanting to fund a lifestyle to wanting to fund their retirement. It also seems to take the pressure off of career changes and job hopping.
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